Deviation from Traditionalism for the sake of being Liberal: The Historical conceptual framework of Baloch Society

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Muhammad Amin


The paper covers that the modernity on de-ontological ethics hits the foundation of traditionalism, so the de-ontologically conceived a-teleological ground pushes the traditionalism towards a fundamentalism. The paper argues that traditionalism neither remains a-teleological nor it prevails de-ontological. The paper discusses the assumption that the politically engaged Baloch individual entertains traditionalism as a synonym of fundamentalism. The paper suggests that the traditionalism is the conscious survival of Baloch society. The research embraces that the assumed notion of de-ontological modernity and a-teleological progressiveness does not lead only the Baloch society towards the liberalism, but it formulates the conversion of traditionalism into fundamentalism. The research analyses teleological ground of traditionalism, Baloch tradition and fundamentalism, and concludes that tradition shouldn’t need to be eventual, but evolutionary and teleological

Key words: Baloch, Fundamentalism, Liberalism, Traditionalism, Modernity, A-teleology, De-ontology.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Amin. (2021). Deviation from Traditionalism for the sake of being Liberal: The Historical conceptual framework of Baloch Society. Balochistaniyat - Annual Research Journal of Balochi Academy, 10, 18–27. Retrieved from