
The research journal Balochistaniyat is published annually in June. It is a publication of the Balochi Academy Quetta.

The journal combines writings on diverse subjects from a wide range of contributors from different subject areas. The contributors are Writers, Intellectuals, Scholars Orientalists, with an active interest in research. 

The Editorial Board of the journal consists of distinguished professors from Pakistan as well as from universities abroad. The members of the Editorial Board are reputed for their research.

The research journal Balochistaniyat has a panel of renowned national and international referees for peer review of the articles contributed. The articles are chosen after great deliberation by the editors, in light of the reviews received from the panel of referees.

Coverage Area: Balochi and Brahui Languages and other Iranian Languages, Literature , History , tangible and intangible cultures, cross-cultural studies, literary criticism, etc.

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