بلوچی در کسہی لبزانک ءِ کسمانک ءِ رجانک

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Shazia Baloch


Non-fiction is a vast and enormous field in literature. But in Balochi literature it has not flourished properly especially the translation of non-fictional generes. This paper is all about the history of translation of non-fiction in Balochi. Some writers have translated international literature, like dramas, satire, essays and biographies but are not enough to justify that nonfiction has been written. This paper also discuss non-fiction writing and writers, like Gul Khan Naseer, Ali Zaimi, Ghous Bakhsh Sabir, Baig Mahmmad Baigul, Hakeem Baloch, and other names in Balochi literature.


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How to Cite
Shazia Baloch. (2022). بلوچی در کسہی لبزانک ءِ کسمانک ءِ رجانک. Balochistaniyat - Annual Research Journal of Balochi Academy, 8, 68–80. Retrieved from https://balochistaniyat.balochiacademy.org/index.php/journal/article/view/50